How Twin Tools started

How Twin Tools started

My brother and I started the company, Twin tools, for our own construction services.

While traveling out of the country for a job, we were introduced to Tec7 years before when applying it to reseal window frames in sub zero temperatures. 

The product had became unavailable in Australia a few years before and it had me surprised to find out such a great product was unavailable to us. Once researching the company more, I found a distributor to help bring X-tack and other popular products manufactured by Tec7 to the West Coast of Australia.

My wife and I since have put in many hours to keep the business thriving, and we have built the business around honest work, representing high quality products, and maintaining a high customer satisfaction rating.

The best part of working with us is you will be talking to the people that own the business and ones that truly understand the products being used, without having to work through corporate layers and not fully understanding the products best use to complete jobs more efficiently.


Jay & Sarah

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